The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.
The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.
We respectfully acknowledge that Huntsville is located on the traditional territories of the Anishinaabeg, specifically the Chippewa, Ojibwa and Potawatomi people.
we as a faith community are grounded in the teachings and example of Jesus, the Christ, who bids us to love the other from a place of mutual respect and humility. We welcome you as you are. Respect is a challenge to ignorance and a path to creating home. Let us be home for one another.
Jesus taught us to love God and the other as we love our self. We truly love ourselves when we allow the other to be as God would have them be. We are to encourage and to be supportive of all as they share with us, their appreciation of who God is in their life.
in following the example of Jesus, looking beyond ourselves to help and to serve others, locally and in the world. We invite you to join us by sharing your time, talents and treasure, as we together discern God's wisdom in our lives. Let us be home to one another, and may God live and reign in our hearts.
Chinese Proverb
Alison Coort / Office Administrator
Judith Gottschalk / Ministry Rep
contact the office
Jan Sirek / Deacon /
Fr. Dominick Mbah, MSP / Pastor
12 Centre Street North, P.O. Box 5512,
Huntsville ON P1H 2K8
Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday / 9:30AM - 2:30PM
Phone: 705-789-2348
St. Vincent de Paul Society Help Hotline / 705-789-0008
St. Mary's Elementary School / 705-789-6841
Parishioner Registration Form (7) (pdf)